This award, created by the CPA in 2021, recognizes outstanding contributions to permafrost engineering over a career. It is named in honour of Donald W. Hayley for his impacts on the field of infrastructure and resource development in permafrost environments in Canada and abroad for over 50 years. While his focus was applied and project oriented, his contributions to knowledge included participation in the International Permafrost Association and numerous publications and procedural documents. The recipient is chosen by a Selection Committee struck by the Board of the CPA or the Board itself.
2023Ed Hoeve |
In 2023 the Don Hayley award was presented to Ed Hoeve by Richard Trimble. Mr. Hoeve is the principal engineer and sole proprietor of HoeveEng Consulting in Yellowknife, where he has been providing expert geotechnical services for over seven years. With more than 40 years of experience, he previously served as a principal consultant for Tetra Tech Canada in the NT/NU region and continues to offer senior review services for permafrost-related projects. Known as a leading authority on permafrost and geotechnical issues in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut, Mr. Hoeve has worked on projects throughout the region, gaining deep expertise in site evaluations, mining civil works design, stability analyses, and construction inspection. He has mentored many engineers and authored several technical publications on permafrost engineering. Mr. Hoeve has held leadership roles with the Canadian Geotechnical Society’s Cold Regions Geotechnology Division, the International Permafrost Association, and NAPEG. He was also a founding member of the Canadian Permafrost Association and has been a strong advocate for permafrost research and the impact of climate change on the region’s frozen ground.
2021Don Hayley |
The CPA presented the inaugural Don Hayley Award to Don Hayley himself, in recognition of his outstanding contributions to permafrost engineering over the past five decades. Don has been a Consulting Engineer since 1968. His career has focused on cold regions engineering and he was instrumental in building the Arctic Engineering Practice at EBA Engineering Consultants from 1968 to 2012. After his retirement from EBA (now Tetra Tech Canada) Don took a short break and then formed Hayley Arctic Geoconsulting as a sole proprietorship. Throughout his career he contributed to numerous studies for infrastructure and resource development projects on permafrost terrain. These include arctic pipelines, highways and winter roads, northern mines and exploratory drilling and production structures in coastal regions and the offshore, within Canada and internationally. Hayley Arctic Geoconsulting currently provides advisory services for all phases of infrastructure and northern mining projects. Don is the author of more than 25 technical articles and conference papers on Northern Engineering. These papers focus on design of dams for permafrost terrain, application of thermosyphons to foundation design, use of ice covers for transportation, and design mitigation strategies for climate change impacts to new structures on permafrost. He has received several awards, including the Roger Brown Award of the Canadian Geotechnical Society, the Julian Smith Medal from the Engineering Institute of Canada, and the ASCE/CSCE Can-Am Amity Award for promoting professional relationships between engineers working in the cold regions of Canada and the USA. Don was elected 20 years ago as a Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada.